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image of 3 gangsta's for It's A Crime multiplayer game


Gang name and Gang #: You must give your gang a name. Although several gangs may have the same or similar names, each gang has a unique gang number identifying it. When you read about the actions of any gang you will always see the gang name followed by its gang number.

Gang members: There are three types of gang members. 'Cruits are your newest recruits and are your least experienced members. Punks have gained some valuable experience and are superior to 'cruits. Pros are the leaders of your gang.

Turf: Your turf consists of all the blocks under your control. You start the game in control of 1 city block.

Notoriety: This is how strong the gang is perceived to be by outsiders (city inhabitants, police and the mob). Notoriety will change according to the actions of your gang. Compare your notoriety with other gangs to see how well you are doing. Notoriety can go no lower than zero but has no upper limit.

Wealth: This is your money.

Morale: This is the state of your gang's spirit and confidence. Morale decreases naturally each turn (usually by one or two points). The easiest way to increase it is by partying! Morale is on a scale of 1-100. Keep your morale above 10!

Weapons: Gangs have a sufficient supply of handguns, chains, bottles and knives. You can also acquire special items which increase the chance of success of certain orders.


The city has 4,356 blocks. Each block can have from one to three different types of buildings.

Think of a block as an area composed of building types which total up to 100%. If all of the building types add up to less than 100% it means the block has space for construction. It could also mean that a fire burned down some of the buildings in the block.

Each block has a 'defence level'. This represents how often the police patrol the block, and how resistive and alert the residents are to your actions. Lower defence levels increase your chances of success with Control orders vs. Uncontrolled blocks as well as on Mug, Rob and Firebomb orders. A block's defence level has nothing to do with the defence of the gang which controls it.


Mapping is very easy and a lot of fun. Once you start playing, you will want to create a map of your gang's turf and the surrounding blocks. The city is composed of 66 x 66 blocks. Picture it as a large grid with each box representing a block. Each block on the map is numbered in the following format: block # = XXYY. 'XX' is the x-co-ordinate (horizontal), while 'YY' is the map's y-co-ordinate (vertical). Therefore, the corners are numbered 0101 (southwest corner), 0150 (northwest), 5050 (northeast), and 5001 (southeast)

Each block is adjacent to 4 other blocks (except for blocks located along the edges of the city). Example: 4933 is adjacent to blocks 4934 (which is to the north), 5033 (east), 4932 (south), and 4833 (west). Diagonal blocks are not considered to be adjacent.

Be careful to number your map correctly. Refer to the sample map below when you make your own map.


Each block in the city is either controlled by a gang or uncontrolled. To take control of a block, you issue a Control (C) order and send a portion of your gang to the block to perform the task.

Taking control of as many blocks as possible is the key to success. Uncontrolled blocks are usually easier to capture than blocks controlled by another gang. Blocks which you attempt to take control of must be adjacent to blocks you already control.

You cannot control a block that consists of only derelict buildings.

A gang may control no more than 40 blocks.


Each turn you will receive income from the blocks under your control. This income is from 'protection money' paid by businesses so that your gang will not hang-out in front of their buildings, harass customers etc. The income each block generates is based on the type and size of buildings present in the block.

Members of your gang receive some of the gang's funds, each turn, to cover their general expenses. Each pro receives $40, each punk $20 and each 'cruit $10. If your gang has insufficient funds to pay these general expenses, your gang's morale will drop fast.

Your result sheets shows the income you received from blocks and gangs expenses you paid. These figures do not include money expended and acquired from actions performed during this turn.

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Gangster with gun image for It's A Crime multiplayer game

artwork by D.Mallinder

It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!   It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!
It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first! It's A Crime - The PBM Game for those interested in a crime game, gangster game or drugs lord game - if the others don't hit you first!