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Game Scenario
Game System
Order Formats
Game Objective
The World of Dexet
Controlling Sectors


Land Forces
Sea Forces
Air Force

Movement System

Moving several units at once
Moving infantry by truck
Forced March
Moving units by transport
Transport Capacity
Aircraft Range


Combat System
Combat Values
Unit Experience
Unit Experience
City Combat
Air Combat


General Skill Level
Position General

Aircraft Sorties

On Watch

Sea Combat




Tech Levels




Declare Alliance

Miscellaneous Orders

Link Units
Split Unit
Player Messages
Send Message
Continue Message

Empire Ratings
Processing Method
Order Limitations

Your First Turn

The Results Printout
Strategic Map
Tactical Map
Player Messages

Quick Reference

List of Orders
Unit Specifications and Production Details


With Glasnost and a bit of luck this world may just manage to avoid the folly of nuclear war. The world of Dexet is not so fortunate. Five centuries ago Dexet was devastated by a global holocaust. They're getting ready to do it again!

The first Global War surprised no-one, it had been on the cards for years and, like many others, your nation had prepared secure underground bunkers to ensure the survival of the chosen few. Unfortunately the debates as to who exactly the few should be grew a little heated... especially when the bombs started dropping. In the end, ruthlessness and superior firepower were the deciding factors. After a brief, but extremely bloody battle, Colonel "Iron Jaw" Stevens declared himself 1st Supreme Commander of Bunker One, a title later shortened to WARLORD, and now inherited by your good(?) self.

After generations underground it is time to emerge once again into the outside world. The nuclear winter is over, and radiation is no longer a danger... well not much, and the troops have other, more immediate, things to worry about. Now is the time to shape a brave new world.

You do have a problem however. Other bunkers have survived and they may not see things your way. A little persuasion will be needed. It's lucky you have all those tanks and guns ready! If things get really tough? Well, Tech Division are sure to sort out those nukes eventually and then those tyrant dictators will know who's top dog. Assuming they're still alive that is!

These rules are for Warlord at Tech. Level One. As your empire advances in technology, further information sheets will be supplied with your printout giving details of extra orders, further unit types, and more violent and deadly weaponry.


WARLORD is a game of combat on a global scale. One hundred players, each begin the game in control of one city complex, with production and research centres, armed forces and an espionage network. Radiation leaks since the last war have scrambled data banks world-wide, causing a massive loss of knowledge. Technology has regressed to a level comparable with that in our world shortly after World War I.


After each game turn is processed, you will be sent, normally by post, a computer generated printout of your forces, territory and surrounding area. Along with this will be a turn card which you use to tell us what you wish your forces to do on the next turn.

Warlord is run using deadlines. The deadline is the date your next set of orders should arrive at our office and is printed at the top of your turn's printout. All turns are processed together on the due date so you must make sure that your turn reaches us by the day shown.

If your orders do not arrive on time, city production and any previously uncompleted troop movements will occur as usual although forces without orders will sit idle. If you have sufficient credit, a printout will be sent showing your new position, battle reports, etc. You can not submit orders for a turn which has passed but should continue from your current position.


This is the format or style in which you must write your orders on your turn card so that the computer understands your instructions. Every order begins with a letter followed by a few sets of numbers. This may seem complicated but in actual fact it is very straight forward. An example could be B 5 22344 which would have your airforce Bomb using 5 bombers at sector 22344.


As Warlord of your growing nation, your objective is to become World Leader, or, if this is not possible, to form a World Coalition. To declare yourself World Leader you must capture, and hold for three turns, one fifth of all surviving cities. The number of cities required for a coalition victory will depend upon the number of players in the coalition. Further information on coalitions will be provided on turn 15.


Dexet is a world much like our own but as a result of the recent nuclear winter the ice caps at the poles are much larger. For game purposes the habitable world is divided into sectors, each approximately 80 miles square. The map measures 99 sectors by 320 sectors. The size of the ice caps and strong magnetic fields in these regions make polar crossing impossible. At the start of each game, a unique computer generated world is designed so that every game of Warlord is different.

A map of the world is printed on your starting position. The map shows no details, only the layout of the continents and oceans. All other geographical knowledge has been lost. Each sector on the map contains just one terrain type. There are ten types, these being, open, woods, barren, marsh, hills, desert, forest, swamp, mountains, and sea.


At the start of the game you will control a single city. Gaining control of further cities should be your prime objective. Cities are the main source of income and only cities can produce new units for your army, navy and airforce.

At the start of each game there are 250 cities of which 100 are player controlled. Uncontrolled cities will usually have small forces defending them but their factories are not yet in production and so do not produce any additional forces. However, once a city is captured and factory production is started, units will be produced until either the end of the game or the city is destroyed. If a player drops out of the game, his cities will eventually rebel and send out their own forces to attack other players' cities.


The economic wealth of your Empire is represented by Production Points, otherwise known as PPs. You will begin the game with a small stockpile and each turn more will be generated by the cities and sectors which you control.

A players' home city always has an income of 3 PPs per turn but other cities income can vary between 1 and 3. The PP income of non-city sectors is far lower but as you control many more of them, they add up to a significant amount. Roughly, it takes about 30 sectors to generate 1 PP of income but the exact number depends upon the terrain type. You only receive income from sectors which can trace a "line of supply" back to one of your cities.

All PP income is added to a single stockpile available for use by any of your cities or forces as they need it. However as your empires Production Points are calculated at the end of each turn and only then added to your stockpile this means that you can only use PPs on the turn after they are generated.



To take control a sector, all you have to do is move one of your divisions through the sector. The only exceptions are sea sectors or sectors belonging to an ally. In addition, at the end of your turn, uncontrolled sectors which are adjacent to at least five other sectors already controlled by you, become part of your empire.

Sectors under your control are shown on the strategic map as light shading (dark shading is enemy territory). Tactical maps show sectors earning you income as dark shading, with light shading for sectors which you own but as of yet provide no income.


A region is a group of sectors which have lines of supply to the same city (or cities). If two or more regions are ever linked, they will become a single region.


Each city has three production centres, each of which can be used to build new units for your armed forces. Everything which is built costs a number of PPs and also takes a number of turns to build. If you do not have all the PPs needed to build the unit of your choice available at the start of the turn, the centre will lay idle until you do. New units arrive at the end of a turn, ready for use the following turn.

C CONSTRUCT C (City) (ID type)

When you give a construct order to a city, the first unused production centre will begin building the item you indicated. When it is finished, the centre will automatically start building another (if the PPs are available). If you issue a construct order and all three centres are already in use the computer will chose one which is ready to restart or failing that, change production at centre three.

Production can be cancelled before completion but any PPs spent will be wasted. An order to construct following a cancel order will use the centre where production was cancelled.

Each type of unit which you can build has an ID number. This is used in the order to specify which type of unit you wish to build at your city. Ships can only be built at coastal cities.

You can also use the construct order to improve city defences. The defence level will increase by one for each construction centre used. The PP cost is five times the current defence level. For example to increase defence level from two to three would require one centre and ten PPs.

A city with a defence level of zero costs no PPs but a production centre is still required. The maximum defence level is nine.

For example C 23 1 Start building infantry in city 23.

C 23 18 Start building fighters.

C 23 21 Build one defence level.

C 23 36 Halt production at centres 2 and 3.


These are divided into three main army types, the Corps, Division, and the Regiment. A corps is two or more divisions located in the same sector. There is no restriction on the type or number of divisions which can be in a corps. While together they fight and defend as a single force.

A division has between 1 to 45 regiments all of which will be the same unit type (ID number). It will be shown as the number of the division, the skill level, ID type and number of regiments.

Regiments are how the cities produce land forces. Initially, you will be able to build five types of regiments: infantry, engineer, tank, truck, and artillery. They will appear at the end of the turn in the city and will join any division with their ID type as long as the size of the resulting division does not exceed 45. If it does, or there are no suitable divisions for it to join, it will form a new division.

Corps = 2 or more divisions; Division = 1 - 45 regiments; Regiment = unit built at city.

Infantry (ID 1) The least expensive unit to build. Infantry is composed of lightly armed men with no transportation.

Engineer (ID 2) Specially trained squads equipped with motorised construction equipment. They have few weapons and minimal combat ability.

Tank (ID 3) Tracked vehicles with heavy armour and heavier weaponry. Capable of rapid movement in minor terrain but unsuitable for use in forest, mountain or swamp.

Truck (ID 4) Designed solely to provide rapid movement for infantry units. Each truck unit can move one infantry unit at a speed of six.

Artillery (ID 5) High calibre weaponry, similar to tank, but poorly armoured. Also includes anti- aircraft weaponry.


There are also three types of sea force: the fleet, flotilla, and ship. The fleet is two or more flotillas in the same sea sector. Again, they will fight and defend as a single unit, and can contain any mix of sea vessels.

Flotillas have 1 to 45 all of the same type of ship. It will be shown as the number of the flotilla and quantity of ships.

Ships are the unit which is produced and like regiments will enter a flotilla if one is available at the city or will form a new one. The ship types which you can build at tech. level one are destroyer, cruiser, battleship, transport and submarine. As your technology grows, further unit types will become available.

Fleet = 2 or more Flotillas; Flotilla = 1 - 45 of the same type of ships; Ships = built at cities

Destroyer (ID 10) The smallest warship. Fast moving but lightly armed. They are able to detect the presence of enemy submarines and prevent surprise attacks.

Cruiser (ID 11) A mid sized warship. Slower than a destroyer but more powerful.

Battleship (ID 12) The most powerful ship available. Moves at the same speed as a cruiser but better armoured and with more powerful guns.

Transport (ID 13) Cargo vessels capable of carrying all kinds of land unit. They have poor combat abilities and should be provided with an escort if moving in enemy waters.

Submarines (ID 14) Underwater vessels able to move undetected by most other ship types, giving them the advantage of surprise in most situations.


There are just two types of aircraft, fighters and bombers. Every city is equipped with an airbase which can hold any number of bombers or fighters. Once a plane has been built it will automatically be flown to the city's airbase ready for operations on the following turn.

Fighters (ID 18) Small, fast and manoeuvrable with light weaponry. Used mainly in air combat or observation but can be used to attack ground forces too.

Bombers (ID 19) Large aircraft with long range and a large payload, usually used for carrying heavy bombs. They can also be used to airlift land units of all kinds. Their lack of manoeuvrability makes them vulnerable to fighter attack.


An army which could not move would be of little use to anyone. The speed of a division is determined by the terrain it is moving through and the type of regiment which is in it. Each division has a set number of movement points which are spent whenever it moves into a new sector. The number spent is determined by the terrain type.

The movement points available for each type of unit are shown below.

As you would expect, terrain affects different types of units differently. Armoured divisions have difficulty with marsh and find mountainous terrain impossible to cross. On the table opposite, use the INF column for the movement costs of infantry and engineer divisions and ARM for all other land forces. Imp means that this terrain is impassable for this type of division.

The movement cost for water is one point but only naval units can enter these sectors, likewise, naval units can not move overland for equally obvious reasons.


A division which has been ordered to move will do so until its move orders are complete, it runs out of movement points, its route is blocked by impassable terrain, or it is forced to retreat during combat.

Each turn is divided into six movement phases. During a phase, all the units of one player may move, then the units of another player until all players' units have moved. The player sequence is randomly determined for each phase. Your units always move in numerical order; unit one moves first, followed by units two, three, four, etc. Each unit may move just one sector per phase, unless a division gets on a ship, and the ship then moves.

A ADVANCE A (unit/Sector) (sector/Direction)

The Advance order will move a division towards a particular sector or in a certain direction. It will move each turn towards its objective until it reaches it, is blocked, or is issued with new orders. Where possible it will attempt to steer around impassable terrain to reach its objective. To move towards a sector write that sector in the order. To move in a direction write the direction code as shown opposite.

For Example A 12 12387 Unit 12 advances towards sector 12387.

A 10221 2 Units at 10221 advance in direction 2.

M MOVE M (unit/sector) (movement code)

This will order a division to follow a specific route which it will do unless it runs out of movement points or is blocked. Units with this order will not steer around impassable terrain. It is possible to specify which movement phases your force will travel in by using a zero for the phases you wish to pause in. Use direction codes to show your desired route.

For Example M 3 122 Move unit 3 north, northeast and northeast again.

M 03454 0011 Units at sector 03454 pause for two movement phases then move north and north again.


If you specify a location instead of a division as the target of the A or M order, all units at the location will move together UNLESS they have been given separate orders, or they are on transports. Orders to a single unit take preference over orders to a location.


If movement orders are given to a location containing infantry and truck divisions, with at least one truck regiment per infantry regiment, then the truck and infantry will move together with a speed of six using the ARM movement column.


A division with at least one movement point may move into a sector even if the sector cost exceeds the units remaining movement points. For example, an infantry division with just one MP remaining could enter a mountain sector. Of course, divisions still can not enter impassable terrain types.


Land divisions of all kinds may be moved across water using transport flotillas. The transports must first be moved next to land, then if land units are ordered to move into the sea sector containing the transport they will board them. The transports will then carry these units with them wherever they go. Once the transports are next to the desired landing point, an order to the units on board will disembark them. You can not land directly into a city which you do not own.

.....Remember that movement orders can be given for each movement phase and that your units move in numerical order. This makes it possible to move divisions onto a transport, move it to a new location and then unload all in a single turn.


The number of regiments which may be carried by a transport flotilla depends on the type of regiments being carried and the number of ships. Each transport may carry thirty Size Points. The size of the different regiments are shown in the box opposite.


Fighters can travel 30 sectors and bombers 50. On most missions aircraft must return to their airbase after the mission, giving operational ranges of 15 and 25 sectors at tech level one.




Combat is a regular occurrence in Warlord. At the end of each movement phase a check is made to see if there are any units in the same sector as enemy cities or units; if so then combat occurs.

Each battle lasts for up to three combat rounds. If at the end of any combat round, the attacker's combat strength is three times greater than the defender's, then the defender must retreat. If retreat is not possible due to terrain type or no retreat sectors without enemies are present then the units are wiped out. Combat may also end as a result of either side being destroyed.

If the attacker fails to dislodge or destroy the defender, the attacker must retreat to the sector occupied before combat started. Any unit forced to retreat loses any remaining MPs and can not move again that turn unless forced into a second retreat.

Combat casualties are always complete regiments or ships. A division or flotilla which is reduced to zero regiments or ships is destroyed.


Each division has an attack and defence value. The attack value is an indication of how much damage it can do, similarly, defence value shows how much damage a unit can receive before being destroyed. In addition to attack and defence values, combat is also affected by terrain type, a division's experience and the presence of generals.


A division which destroys or forces an enemy to retreat gains an experience rank. Each rank adds a 10% bonus to the divisions attack strength. All divisions start as Novice and advance to Seasoned, Veteran, and finally Elite.


To attack a city you must first defeat all enemy divisions in the city sector and then, if successful, the surviving force will attack the city itself. The attack will last for up to three combat rounds, during which you must reduce the city defence level to zero. If it has not been reduced to zero the attack has failed and surviving units must retreat.

Note - the attack and defence strengths of a city are determined by the city defence level. Attacking a city with a high defence level without sufficient force can be very costly.


Air combat is calculated in the same way as ordinary combat but does not usually occur during movement. Combat resulting from bombing missions occurs before movement while combat from observation orders occurs after movement. The only time air combat occurs in movement is when fighters on watch find enemy units entering their airbase sector.



The leaders of your armed forces are your generals. They are totally loyal to your cause. Used wisely they can be a valuable source of information as for each general under your command you receive a tactical map showing terrain and all forces in an area seven sectors square. At tech level one, you have two generals.


All generals begin with a skill level of zero but this can quickly increase. If your forces have a battle and you have a general in range (three sectors) the general's skill will increase by one. Each general in range gains skill, up to a maximum of five points per turn. The maximum skill level is 100.

Whenever a battle occurs within range of a general (three sectors), the general's skill level will be added as a percentage to his sides combat strength. For example, a general with a skill of ten would increase the combat strength of his troops by ten percent. A general's combat bonus can be applied to any number of combats as long as they occur within range. If a player has two or more generals within range, the general with the highest skill will take charge and only he will contribute to the skill increase.

If a general is with a division which gets destroyed, he is presumed "lost in action" and will be replaced by a new one, with skill zero, at your home city. If you no longer control your home city, then at the lowest numbered one.

PPOSITION GENERAL P (general) (unit)

A general may be moved to any of your units using the P order.

For Example P 2 34 Assign general 2 to unit 34.




When you give your airforce an order, the closest airbases with planes available will automatically be selected to complete the mission. There is no need to specify which planes you will use.


O OBSERVATION O (fighters) (sector)

This will provide an observation report on an area measuring seven sectors square centred on the sector specified. If two or more fighters are sent they will attack the first enemy unit found in their search area. The report will appear on your strategic map. Observation orders occur after movement. Note: Your map may drop off in size if you don't issue repeated 'O' orders.

For Example O 5 20120 Send 5 fighters to recon sector 20120.

B BOMB B (bombers) (sector)

Your bombers will attempt to destroy any enemy forces in the target sector. If fighters are available (and the target is in fighter range), up to the specified number of fighters will be sent to protect them against enemy aircraft or ground forces. Bombing missions occur before movement.

For Example B 5 10011 Up to 5 bombers (and 5 fighters if in range) will bomb sector 10011.

V AIRLIFT V (unit/sector) (airbase)

Bombers can be used to move divisions from one airbase to another. One bomber squadron is required for each size point of the unit. The bombers do not return to their home base but stay at the destination base so they have a range of 50 for this order. Divisions can only be airlifted to and from airbases you own.

For Example V 2 23 Airlift division 2 to airbase 23.

V 22211 45 Airlift all units at 22211 to airbase 45.

F FLY F (airbase 1) (airbase 2) (fighters,bombers)

This order transfers aircraft between airbase one and airbase two. You must own both airbases. As the aircraft only travel one way fighters have a range of 30 and bombers 50. This is a standing order which means that each turn, if the specified number of aircraft are available, they will be transferred until the order is cancelled. A maximum of nine fighters and nine bombers may be transferred each turn.

For Example F 123 32 23 Fly 2 fighters and 3 bombers from airbase 123 to airbase 32 each turn.

F 123 0 0 Cancel transfer order at airbase 123.

W ON WATCH W (airbase) (fighters)

If you wish, you can set a number of fighters as a defence force to protect your airbase and city. Planes assigned to airbase defence can not be used on any other air missions. They will attack any enemy units or aircraft entering the sector. Any fighters not assigned to another mission will assist the air defence force.

For Example W 123 5 Keep 5 fighters on watch at airbase 123.


Fighting at sea between ships is very similar to land combat. As with regiments, each ship has an attack and defence value which is compared with the enemies to assess ship losses. After three rounds of combat, the loser will have either been destroyed or retreated.

B BOMBARD B (0/bombers) (sector)

This order is very similar to the Bomb order for planes. Your capitol ships, (destroyers, cruisers and battleships) can bombard coastal sectors with their guns. Initially, they have to be adjacent to the target sector as they have a range of just one sector. Capitol ships are not limited on the amount of times they can fire in a single turn. Capitol ship bombardments are calculated to do the same amount of damage as 1, 2 or 3 bombers respectively.

If you specify a number in the order, that number of bombers (and fighter escort) will also bomb the sector as long as they are in range and have not already have been used.

For Example B 0 12323 Bombard sector 12323 with all capitol ships in range

B 5 12323 Bombard sector 12323 with 5 bombers and all ships in range



Spies can be used to obtain a wide variety of information on other players. Any information gained is printed at the end of the normal report.

I INVESTIGATE I (player) (amount)

Spying on a player costs PPs, the more you spend the more information you are likely to receive back. The maximum amount of PPs you can spend on a spy order is five times your tech level so at tech level three you could spend 15 PPs per order.

The I order can also be used to perform counter espionage. This is achieved by specifying the player number as yourself. Unlike spying, counter espionage is a standing order so you will spend the same amount every turn unless you cancel it by spending 0 or by spying on someone else. This will greatly reduce the amount of information obtained by enemy spies.

For example I 34 20 Spend 20 PPs spying on player 34.

I 10 3 If you're player 10, spend 3 PP per turn on counter-spying.

I 10 0 If you're player 10, stop spending on counter-spying.




In the years of isolation, much scientific and technological knowledge has been lost or forgotten. You have read about the 'old' weapons and know that if your armies could be equipped with them, this would give you a distinct edge in your battles but so far you do not know how to build them. By performing research and exploration your scientists will be able to relearn much of this information. The amount of knowledge recovered is represented by your Tech Level.

With each tech level gained you will receive a special rules update. This sheet will explain what has been learned and the order formats you need to use this new knowledge.


The progress of your research efforts will depend upon the amount of production points (PPs) you are prepared to spend. The more the better. Even if your research fails this time, it will improve the chance of success on future attempts.

You can sometimes make progress by engineers investigating old ruins or from spying on players with higher tech levels than your own.

For Example E 5 Spend 5 PPs on research.



Your engineer units are specially trained and equipped with a wide variety of engineering equipment. Although they can be used in combat it is better to use them for the purpose for which they were designed, engineering. As your tech level rises engineers can be used to undertake all manner of tasks.

K ENGINEERING K (unit) (1)

If an engineering division is in a sector which contains a ruined city you can order it to spend the turn looking for remains of pre-holocaust technology and raw materials. While the division is doing this, they can not move.

For Example K 23 1 Unit 23 will investigate ruins.



You may declare up to eight allies. Your divisions will not claim territory from a player listed as an ally, and will not attack their forces or cities. IMPORTANT - Players listed as allies can still attack you!


Use the player number to declare an alliance with another empire. Alliances are not permanent. They may be cancelled by issuing a second declare order against the same player.

For Example D 24 Change status of player 24 to ally or enemy.




L LINK UNITS L (unit) (unit/0)

This order will link two or more divisions or flotillas of the same unit type, providing they are in the same sector. The new unit will take, as its division number, the lowest number from the units being combined. They can then be moved as one saving on the number of orders which need to be issued.

When units are linked, the skill ranking is taken as an average of the units which combined.

Land units on board a transport and transports with cargo can not use either of these orders. You must unload first.

For Example L 2 3 Link units 2 and 3. The new division or flotilla will be number 2

L 2 0 Link unit 2 with all others at the sector of same type.

S SPLIT UNIT S (unit) (number)

This does the opposite of the Link order, it will split a division or flotilla into two smaller units. The number you enter as the last parameter is the number of regiments or ships which you want to split off. The number of the new unit will be the lowest available currently unused. Again, land units on board transports and transports with cargo have to unload first.

For Example S 3 2 Split 2 regiments or ships from unit 3 to form a new division or flotilla.

N NAME N (1-3) (number) (name)

This is used to name your cities, airbases and generals. Choose 1 to name a city, 2 for an airbase and 3 for a general. Names can be up to 12 characters long, including spaces.

For Example N 1 1 GRAAK Change name of city 1 to GRAAK.

N 2 32 POOTON Change name of airbase 32 to POOTON.

N 3 1 SLAVER Change name of general 1 to SLAVER.


Whenever you meet other players' forces, their address will be printed on your turn sheet. You may use this to write a letter to the player directly if you wish, possibly to negotiate an alliance or swap information. In Warlord it is also possible to communicate through the game system and print a message directly on a players turn sheet using the Message Order.

Y SEND MESSAGE Y (player/101) (code) (code) (code)

-- CONTINUE MESSAGE -- (code) (code) (code) (code)

At the back of the rulebook is a list of the various messages which you can send to another player. To send individual players a message use their player number but to send it to all players use 101.

Once you have picked your message, use the relevant code numbers in your order format. Where curly brackets are used you should insert the number as part of your order format, with square brackets the computer will insert the correct value for you. The @ sign prints your name and address.

For Example Y 10 151 155 117 message sent to player ten would read;

-- 20 123 310 3 Broadcast sent from player ## follows....
Greetings! What is your address. Mine is ...... Player 20
has been sending me threatening messages. Can you help
me? I have 3 Cities.



Each turn your Empire rating will be shown on your results sheet. Rating values are based upon tech level, total strength of your forces, number of cities and defence levels and your Empire's PP income. The ratings enable you to measure your progress and compare it with those of other players.


Each turn consists of three main steps;

1 - The orders for all players are input into the computer.

2 - The game is processed by the computer.

3 - The results are printed and mailed out.

Step two is the most important as this is where your orders are actually are processed. During processing the computer follows a set sequence and it is important to understand this in order to get the most from your orders. The sequence of processing is:

1) P, W, D, L, S and N orders are carried out immediately.

2) Aircraft are assigned for O, B, V and F orders.

3) Production stoppages are processed.

4) PPs are deducted for C, I and E orders.

5) B, V and F orders are processed.

6) A, M and K orders are issued to units.

7) A, M and K orders are processed.

8) C orders produce regiments, ships, aircraft and city levels.

9) E orders are processed.

10) O orders are processed.

11) Y orders are processed.

12) I orders are processed.


With the exceptions of the S and L orders, no unit may be issued with more than one order per turn. For example, you may not move an engineering division and then order it to investigate ruins.



Not sure what to do on your first turn? Try this:-

1. Choose a name for your empire.

2. Send your fighters out on observation missions, especially to locations of cities reported on your starting printout.

3. Move all divisions as far as possible from your city. The new sectors will increase PPs for your empire and greatly increase the area shown on your strategic maps.

4. Move engineer divisions towards any ruins, ready for exploration next turn.

5. Start building new units immediately. Small infantry divisions are probably the most cost effective at this stage.

6. Don't be too cautious! You are unlikely to meet an enemy on your first turn so use all your forces for expansion and worry about city defence later.



Each turn you will receive a printout showing the results of your orders. The printout is divided into several sections, each showing a different aspect of your growing empire but the most important and interesting are the various game maps.


The strategic map provides an overview of your whole position and valuable information on enemy forces and cities. Land which you control is lightly shaded with enemy land and units in dark. Forest, mountains and marsh are also shown so that you know where not to move your tanks, artillery and trucks.

Below the strategic map is a list of your generals. In our example, 1) 26149 (6) means general one is at sector 26149 and has a skill rating of 6.

The next section lists all your available forces and all cities, including enemy and unowned ones. It lists them in the following format;

Sector Unit/city number Rank Name Size Comment

In the comments section, you will be told if it is an enemy city or if the division has any special orders. These could be an advance order which is not yet completed or if on board a transport as 'In Transit'. Generals travelling with a division are shown as a * before the location.

Example 1 23926 63 GENDOR MARGE 4 Enemy 63

This says that at sector 23926 is city 63 called Gendor Marge. It has a defence level of 4 and is owned by player 63.

Example 2 23943 4 N Engineers 1

At 23943 you have the 4th Engineers, a novice division containing just one regiment.

Example 3 * 26149 3 N Infantry 14 A 26150

A general is with the 3rd Infantry division at sector 26149. It contains 14 Novice infantry regiments which have orders to advance next turn to 26150.

Under the list of your forces are any enemy or allies units which you have spotted. These are listed as location, owner and amount of regiments or ships.


For each general which you control you, you receive a 7 x 7 map around the sector where he ends the turn. These are called Tactical Maps. They provide extra detail on terrain, man-made features and show details of enemy forces in the area, even without a recon report. Different symbols show the terrain of each sector and type of unit present. If more than one type of unit is present, the largest will be shown. The rest will be shown in the list below the map.

Man-made features are shown above the terrain while the owner of the sector is shown below.


101 Attack will start in {X} turns against player {Y}.
102 Attacks against player {X} will begin near {YYY-YY} and {ZZZ-ZZ}.
103 Help, an invasion force has landed at {XXX-XX}!
104 I need help to attack player {X} at {YYY-YY}.
105 I am being attacked near {XXX-XX} by player {Y}.
106 I believe player {X} is intending to attack you.
107 I'll attack in {X} turns against player {Y} at {ZZZ-ZZ}.
108 I've destroyed some of player {X}'s divisions.
109 I've inflicted severe damage on player {X}'s ships.
110 I've just lost city {X} to player {Y}.
111 I've just captured city {X} from player {Y}.
112 I've landed divisions at {XXX-XX}.
113 I need help, am being attacked by player {X} at {XXX-XX}.
114 I need help, am currently attacking player {X} at {XXX-XX}.
115 I think player {X} is about to attack me.
116 Player {X}'s aircraft are attacking a lot near {YYY-YY}.
117 Player {X} has been sending me threatening messages.
118 Player {X} has wiped out several of my divisions.
119 Player {X} has sunk some of my ships.
120 Player {X} has shot down some of my aircraft.
121 Player {X} and {Y} seem to be ganging up on me.
122 Players {X}, {Y} and {Z} are attacking me. Rush reinforcements!
123 Can you help me?
124 Good Luck!
151 Greetings!
152 Greeting. I hope we can work together to win.
153 Hello. I haven't sent you messages before.
154 Hi. I hope we can get on and do well.
155 What is your address? Mine is @.
156 You can write to me at @.
157 Let me know your address and send any correspondence to @.
201 Come any nearer and you'll feel my wrath.
202 It's not a good idea for you to attack me.
203 Keep away from me.
204 Keep your ships away from me.
205 Keep your divisions away from me.
206 Keep your planes away from me.
207 Keep your distance from me.
208 Keep attacking me and it's all out war...
209 Keep away from my city {X}.
210 Let us both keep away from each other.
211 Let us have a mutual non-aggression policy.
212 Move your divisions back, or I'll wipe you out.
213 Please do not attack me. I get violent and attack back.
214 This is your last chance to keep away, or I'll attack.
215 You are getting too near and making me nervous.
216 Prepare to die!
251 Player {X} doesn't seem to respond to messages or letters.
252 Player {X} doesn't seem too trustworthy.
253 Player {X} is at tech level {Y}.
254 Player {X} has {Y} production pts.
255 Player {X} has {Y} ships.
256 Player {X} has {Y} divisions.
257 Player {X} has {Y} fighters.
258 Player {X} has {Y} bombers.
259 Player {X} has {Y} cities.
260 Player {X} has a division at {YYY-YY}.
261 Player {X} has an army corp at {YYY-YY}.
262 Player {X} has flotilla at {YYY-YY}.
263 Player {X} has a fleet at {YYY-YY}.
264 Player {X} has attacked at {YYY-YY}.
265 Player {X} owns {Y} cities.
301 I have {X} cities.
302 I have {X} divisions.
303 I have {X} ships.
304 I have {X} fighters.
305 I have {X} bombers.
306 I am at tech level {X}.
307 I have {X} airbases.
308 I have {X} production points.
309 I have {X} fighters, and {Y} bombers.
310 I have [C] cities.
311 I have [D] divisions.
312 I have [S] ships.
313 I have [F] fighters.
314 I have [B] bombers.
315 I have [F] fighters and [B] bombers.
316 I am at tech level [L].
317 I have [A] airbases.
318 I have [P] production points.
351 Better do what I say or else....
352 Can't you write?
353 Do not say I didn't warn you!
354 Invade my territory would you? Trouble is brewing for you now.
355 Player {X} is going to attack you.
356 Player {X} and I will get you.
357 Prepare to be wiped out.
358 That's not true at all.
359 You dirty double-crossing rat.
360 You cannot be serious.
361 You have upset me, so now I'm going to upset you...
362 When are you going to do what we agreed?
363 When are you going to attack player {X}?
364 Why don't you attack player {X}?
365 Why didn't you do as we agreed?
401 Do you want to be allied to me?
402 I am not interested in being your ally.
403 Maybe later I will ally with you.
404 Ally with you? Don't make me laugh!
405 I am happy to ally with you.
406 Are you allied to {X}?
407 Who are your allies?
408 I am allied to {X}.
409 I am allied to [M].
410 I have dropped you as my ally.
411 Do you want to form a coalition with me?
412 Do you want to join my coalition?
413 We want you to join our coalition.
414 I am happy to join your coalition.
415 I have put in to join your coalition.
416 I want to throw player {X} out of our coalition
417 I don't want you in our coalition.
418 I want you out of our coalition. Make it easy and leave now...
419 I wouldn't join your coalition if you paid me...
420 I don't trust player {X}.
421 Player {X} isn't to be trusted as an ally.
422 We're not close, I'm not interested in an alliance.
451 I think player {X} is pretty weak. Keep the pressure on...
452 Now you know what air superiority means!
453 RIP player {X}. I'm surprised it took so long to wipe him out!
454 The attack against player {X} isn't going too well. Want to stop.
455 The attack against player {X} is going badly. Apply more pressure.
456 Where have all your ships gone? 500 feet under the waves?
457 You can't have many divisions left now. Soon there'll be less!


List of Orders

Advance A (unit/sector) (sector/direction)
Bomb B (bombers) (sector)
Bombard B (0/bombers) (sector)
Construct C (city) (ID type)
Declare Alliance D (player)
Research E (PPs)
Fly F (airbase1) (airbase2) (fighters,bombers)
Investigate I (player) (amount)
Engineering K (unit) (1)
Link Units L (unit) (unit/0)
Move M (unit/sector) (movement code)
Name N (1-3) (number) (name)
Observation O (fighters) (sector)
Position General P (general) (unit)
Split Unit S (unit) (number)
Send Message Y (player/101) (code) (code) (code)
Airlift V (unit/sector) (airbase)
On Watch W (airbase) (fighters)
Continue Message -- (code) (code) (code) (code)


Production Combat Movement
ID Unit Type Time Cost Attack Defence Points Type Size
1 Infantry 1 1 2 3 3 Inf 1
2 Engineer 2 3 1 2 4 Inf 3
3 Tank 2 5 6 4 4 Arm 5
4 Truck 1 2 0 1 6 Arm 3
5 Artillery 2 4 6 2 4 Arm 4
10 Destroyer 2 5 3 2 6 Ship
11 Cruiser 3 8 5 4 5 Ship
12 Battleship 4 10 8 8 5 Ship
13 Transport 2 4 1 4 5 Ship (30)
14 Submarine 3 6 6 3 4 Ship
18 Fighters 1 4 30 Plane
19 Bombers 2 6 50 Plane (1)
21 1 City Level 1 *}
22 2 City Levels 1 *} cost depends on current level
23 3 City Levels 1 *}